Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Guppy in Fish Tank

bluegrass guppy image (male)

Guppy is one the easiest type to take care for and one of my favorites. It will be healthy by providing the correct food once per day. Daily diet can be fish flake or pellets.

Providing diverse supplements will be beneficial such as occasional feeding of cucumber, bloodworms, zucchini and algae. Proper maintenance is a must by making sure the guppy fish tank is clean and free of toxins.

If you have pond, it is best to have this kind of fish because they help prevent rapid population growth of harmful mosquitoes.

They seem to be playful and tamed because when you go near the tank, they usually approach you thinking you will provide them something.

Even though they hide when you put your hands in the water, they will approach still after few seconds. That's also one reason why they can be easily caught by seekers.

Interesting Guppy Fish Facts

Male is smaller and slender than female. It is more colorful and vibrant. The maximum size of adult guppy is approximately is 6cm or 2.4 inches. Noticeable parts of this attractive creature are (from head to tail):
·         pectoral fin - nearest from the eyes
·         dorsal fin - on the top most part of the body
·         ventral fin - below the belly
·         gonopodium - pointed like needle on males and fan-shaped on females  
·         gravid spot / g-spot  - a tiny opening that dictates whether she’s pregnant or not.  It the delivery is near it will be very dark and most of the time, you would be able to see the eyes of young offsprings
·         caudal  - the last portion and usually the largest that exhibits striking color

Newly born babies can live without the care of their parents. They can eat any tiny edible things that can pass through their mouth.

Males are usually hyper when it comes to mating. They constantly chase the prospect female when they bump with each other. They also do distinct gesture or dance to get attention.

Females give birth every 30 days. If they are healthy, they can release up to 60 little guppies. The most exciting part of this hobby is experimenting based on your desired strain.

If both parents have the same genes they will continue the same appearance. The offspring will look like them.

On the other hand, if you cross-breed or in-breed, you can come up with variety of color combination. You’ll be delighted if the result achieved your target colors.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Red Cherry Shrimp Breeding

It is so amazing!. Red cherry shrimp breeding is like rabbit. The scientific name of it is Neocaridina denticulata sinensis. The most popular amongst the strains is bright transparent red because it can easily be spotted in your green planted aquarium with its striking color. 

Bright red is the result of proper selective breeding. RCS is hardy when it comes to tolerance compared with crystal red shrimp. Buying it from reliable breeder would be a wise choice.

The suggested aquarium temperature is 77-81°F (25-27°C). The environment should be moderately acidic with ph of 6.2 – 7.3. My advice is if you have 15 gallon planted tank, do water change of 10% every two days. 

Be careful when you do it because they are sensitive to sudden conversion of temperature. Guppy fish liquid parameter is a bit different because they need it to be alkaline. 

They love eating stuff such as zucchini, cucumber, mulberry leaves, and fish pellets/flakes. They will be healthy if you feed them with variety. And that is the fundamental needs.

Berried female adults display different egg color. It depends on the food that they intake. Every 25 days, the eggs under the tail of mature hatch into shrimplets(exactly small version of the adult). 

They are too tiny and you might mistakenly guess they are little white small ants. Baby shrimps love to eat micro-organisms present in decaying leaf. They will thrive much faster if there lots of aquatic plants especially with numerous small leaves. 

Abundant hiding places help them to survive while multiplying population. Make sure to cover the filter tube opening with sponge to avoid babies being sucked inside. I remember I just bought 5 males and 2 females and in a span of 3 months I have 100 of them. 

What Types of Plant Are Best For Red Cherry Shrimp Care?

  • · Hornwort 
  • · Rotala plant
  • · Almond leaves (Talisay in Philippines) – The leaf's substance helps to have protection for their shell development and avoid infection. Aside from that, when it decays, it provides abundant micro-organisms serving quality food for the shrimplets.

Male is usually paler or transparent in color, smaller and slender. You would notice when breeding season comes, they will swim back and forth in your aquarium. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Air Conditioner as Raindrop for Mini Pond

Every time I walk on our home terrace, I always wonder. My feet get wet as I pass by. It’s because a part of the floor is covered with liquid and it's coming from our air conditioning unit. 

Not to mention, when I go near, the air coming out is warm. Many people say to avoid inhaling it because it is poisonous.  Is it really harmful? Then, how can you avoid it? To answer what’s boggling in my mind, I did some research.

Is the liquid dripping from air conditioner a health risk? Yes, if it is big, like being used in offices or commercial buildings, there is a big possibility that large copper material pipe or part may be exposed with moisture enabling harmful bacteria to exist.

On 1976, there was newly known illness called Legionnaires' disease that started emerging from enormous air conditioners.

On the other hand, according to some, it is safe, in a sense that if you will use it for your plants or mini pond. The water output from it is like as raindrop because it is formed by condensation through the coil pan inside. It is an ideal way if in case rain seldom comes especially during summer season.

How Does AC Help Plants

The dripping is not that drastic so the plants will not be drowned. It’s perfect way if you have no plenty time to do the watering. You can use air conditioner as raindrop for mini pond.

How Does AC Help Fishes

The benefit is your guppy fishes will speed up its breeding because they usually do this during rainy season. Adding some live food can also help. Another advantage is your potted plants will have automatic water provider—raindrop technique.

Safe AC Unit

As a reminder, the safest way is by choosing the right cooling equipment preferably the latest so that the coolant inside, R410-A, is non- health hazard compared with old ones.

Experts say, be mindful and replace it when it has gone down to prevent dangers of leaking equipment. If malfunction is present, if you inhale the gas from the one deteriorating, it can cause nausea and even heart problem. Frost bite can be harmful to your eyes.

In order to ensure safety of well-being, consult a certified technician to check it. Air conditioner has been a helpful break-through. It has advantages and disadvantages.


Establishing an environment for your lovely fishes is easy. You just need to know the basics.

Drops of water coming from AC is safe for fishes provided that the unit receives proper maintenance. Try air conditioner as raindrop for mini pond and you will see a positive result.

Nitrogen Cycle Explanation

planted tank image

Nitrogen is a vital requirement of living things on Earth and you can find it anywhere even in a simple tank. One-celled organisms convert it into something usable that plants can acquire for food consumption. Establishing a sustainable environment can help you achieve success in fish keeping.

This article tries to explain how nitrogen cycle works. A deep dive about the important stages will be discussed.

Establishing Nitrogen Cycle

Let's now talk about your tank granting it is planted with fishes. You feed your fish usually every day and at the same time, it produces waste.

Usually, the food you sprinkle cannot be consumed all by your pet if you accidentally put too much. In that case, they decay and it is called ammonification— decomposition of matter.

When ammonia is there, another bacteria will become active and start to transform it into usable substance. The next process is Nitrification. The nitrite is the by-product of nitrifying bacteria.

Another kind of organisms will rise and begin to do denitrification and the result will be the production of nitrates which will be then absorbed by your aquatic plants and there will be liquid purification in your tank. Nitrogen cycle steps will continue to go in circle.

Approximately, you may complete it in a month but it also depends on the available micro-organisms present. You will be able to notice that your water changes will be decreased. It is not cloudy and your pets become healthy.

The Advantage You Can Gain From Plants

Benefits of having greeneries in your fish tank can benefit the living inhabitants because not only they help on purification but also they provide oxygen which is essential in life. In return, animals give the carbon dioxide in exchange.

You can start doing this. First, setup your aquarium with lots of plants in aquatic soil. Pour liquid in and make sure it is treated using solution meaning it has no chlorine and chloramine especially if you got it from your faucet.

Next, you can buy low-cost fish from your local pet store. It will serve as your specimen for observation while you are waiting for the cycle to complete. Feed it accordingly.

Since your set-up is just establishing, daily water change may be necessary. Monitor your miniature world not to become stinky.


Mantaining your fish tank needs patience. In time, you will be able to achieve the success most aquarists have been enjoying in this hobby. This is another aquascape aquarium design for planted tank.